Afternoon Open-Air Cooking in the Campo: Tamales

This experience follows our Covid Protocol. By reserving your spot, you are agreeing to those terms. Venture out to Yatareni with Tlayudona and Doña Juana for a taste of life in the campo.  Juana and her family dedicate themselves to cultivating a mixture of corns, beans, and squash, known locally as “la milpa”.  Their property … Read more

Open Air Quesillo-Making for Kids and Families

Please make sure to go over our Covid Protocol and to only reserve an experience if you´re in complete agreement with the terms. Quesillo making for kids and families! Immerse your kids in Oaxacan culture, Spanish, and delicious string cheese! For this experience, we are journeying out to Etla to see our favorite vendors from … Read more

Open Air Quesillo-Making

Please make sure to go over our Covid Protocol and to only reserve an experience if you´re in complete agreement with the terms. For this experience, we are journeying out to Etla to see our favorite vendors from the Pochote Organic Market, Andrea and Noé.  On their farm nestled into the valley of Etla, they … Read more

Cooking in the Campo: Carne Asada AND Tamales!

Esta es una versión especial de nuestra serie Cooking in the Campo, que combina nuestra experiencia tradicional de hacer tamal con la oportunidad de hacer / comer una deliciosa carne asada. Doña Juana obtendrá un poco de tasajo fresco del mercado ese día para asar junto con cebollas cambray. Ella lo completará con una demostración … Read more