Traditional Mezcal: Talk and Tasting

This is an open-air experience utilizing our Covid Protocol. By reserving this experience, you are agreeing to those terms. First and foremost, it’s our commitment to keep our community safe. This experience is a socio-anthropological account of how women are contextualized within Oaxaca’s burgeoning mezcal industry, followed by a tasting of 3 types of ancestral … Read more

Food Sovereignty: Oaxacan Corn

Xub Maíz Corn is the staple ingredient that the rest of Oaxaca´s diet revolves around. Join us in this exploration of its importance, its vast biological diversity, and its cultural significance in Oaxaca in our collaboration with Xub Maíz. During this theory-turned-practice experience, you will receive an introduction to the instrumental role that corn has played … Read more

Make Mole Negro with Doña Raquel

Doña Raquel is a gem, with years of familial, personal, and professional experience preparing Oaxaca´s regional cuisine.  In this experience, she will guide you through each step of the journey of mole-making, from ingredient selection at Oaxaca´s iconic Abastos Market to the culmination of one the state´s most recognizable dishes. Your Day You´ll begin your … Read more

Roast your own Oaxacan Specialty Coffee: Intense Course

The holy grail of coffee courses, we will be delving into “Coffee Roasting Chemistry 101” and the amazing juncture between the art of roasting coffee and the science behind the process.  We´ll conduct ample tastings while looking over the SCAA flavour wheel, so make sure to arrive with your belly full and ready to receive … Read more

Tejate: The Pre-hispanic Energy Drink

Tejate Have you seen this frothy beverage being served around the markets and streets of Oaxaca out of giant green-glazed ceramic bowls? Do you know the history behind this pre-hispanic drink? Tejate is a corn and cacao-based drink traditional to the state of Oaxaca.  It originates back from the pre-hispanic era and was initially used … Read more

Yes, Coffee is a Fruit: Learn, sip, and roast with us!

If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent a lot of cumulative time downing your morning cup of coffee, appreciating the aroma that escapes when you open the bag of beans, and reaping the benefits of its presence in your daily routine…. But have you thought about where your coffee comes from and all the work … Read more

Oaxacan Specialty Coffee Brew Bar with Kate from Cafébre

Kate, owner of Cafébre Specialty Coffee Bar in Oaxaca, has given us the gift of being able to offer a personalized brew bar session. This is a brief but expansive and satisfying presentation of what Oaxacan specialty coffee has to offer! We´ll prepare three different extraction methods of your choice, such as aeropress, Chemex, V60, … Read more

Mezcal Immersion with Sósima and Fanekantsini Cooperative

Immerse Yourself in the World of Mezcal for a Day This experience is a collaboration with our “Women in Mezcal” host, Sósima, and takes you all the way to Sola de Vega for a day.  We´ll take off from Tlayudona and embark on a beautiful adventure into the countryside. We´ll make sure to coffee-up at Tlayudona to hold … Read more