Your Donations Help Us Reach Our Community Goals

How can you help?

From the moment our project was born, we knew that our community would always come first.

We also receive the following in-kind donations at our space in Oaxaca to be distributed amongst our host families on an as-needed basis (or if you have a preference based on a connection you’ve made during one of your experiences, we are happy to oblige).

  • Children’s shoes, toys and clothing in good condition
  • Food staple items
  • Books or educational materials
  • Hygiene products or cleaning products for homes
  • Functional used furniture
  • Functioning electronics
Your contributions make a difference.

Tlayudona always puts our hosts and community first, from emergency assistance and support for their families during tough times to planning of short and longterm strategic goals to improve their overall quality of life.

We have built kitchens, purchased full sets of dental work, fed and clothed children, and equipped them with uniforms and school supplies over the years (amongst many other things). Our unique model sustains up to thirty local women and their families at any given time. Help us reach our community goals more quickly by making direct contributions or in-kind donations here in Oaxaca, Mexico.

We are actively working on our non-profit status. In the meantime, we are happy to provide you with photos and a “thank you” message from our host/s if you choose to contribute directly to one of their personal goals. We respect our hosts’ privacy and do not post these types of photos publicly.

If you would like to donate directly toward any of the following goals, please include your indication in the Paypal notes field and your donation will be allocated accordingly! Every little bit counts. Thank you in advance.

  • Option 1: Host “J” needs an expensive ophthalmology treatment for herself and her elderly mother and we are helping her save up for that. We are currently working to create more international revenue for her through sales of her products, but any extra donation will help us reach her goal more quickly.
  • Option 2: Host “DJ” is in constant need of clothing and supplies for her four children. She is also developing her product line to sell at our office and online, and has a specific list of needed supplies in order to increase the efficiency and viability of her production.
  • Option 3: Host “A” is a relatively-new collaborator and we are really enjoying our new collaboration with this 3-generational all-women household. Her family needs basic materials to condition her space (chairs, a table, and hygiene products) to be better-suited to receive a broader base of visitors for workshops. These same furnishings are not exclusively for workshops and will improve her family’s quality of life on a day-to-day basis.
  • Option 4: Tlayudona needs help sustaining our infrastructure during months when there is a lull in our responsible tourism. Our core team of locals are not volunteers, and our fixed expenses cover salaries & special training for our local team as well as emergent needs of our host families. We appreciate the support you show for our commitment to generating sustainable and responsible educational experiences that value and honor our host families.